
Result In Sth Meaning

Result In Sth Meaning. How to use result in a sentence. Result definition is - to proceed or arise as a consequence effect or conclusion.

Sth Meaning What Does Sth Stand For With Useful Examples New Words Meant To Be Words
Sth Meaning What Does Sth Stand For With Useful Examples New Words Meant To Be Words from

Synonyms antonyms and examples to make something happen cause Firefighters determined that a campfire spark caused the wildfire. Synonyms and related words. Result definition is - to proceed or arise as a consequence effect or conclusion.

See Synonyms at follow.

Result in definition is - to cause something to happen. We had definite results within weeks. Damage that resulted from the storm. Synonyms antonyms and examples to make something happen cause Firefighters determined that a campfire spark caused the wildfire.