Result Based Financing In Uganda. Living Goods uses Results-Based Financing to demonstrate a scalable approach for contracting high-impact cost-effective community health services in Uganda. The Private Sector Foundation Uganda PSFU in partnership with Energising Development EnDev Uganda GIZ is piloting a Result-Based Financing RBF scheme for off grid solar companies in Uganda with funding from United States Agency for International Development USAID and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.
So it is with results-based financing for health RBF a concept designed to help people in poor countries live healthier lives by linking incentives with results. OBA is a results-based approach that ties payment of public funding directly to the delivery of specific services or outputs. The Ministry of Health under the Uganda Reproductive Maternal and Child Health services Improvement Project URMCHIP has signed Result Based Financing RBF grant agreements with 51 districts under Ministry of Local Government aimed to improve Reproductive Maternal and Child health.
This Policy analysis of Results-Based financing RBF development in Uganda has benefited greatly from the contributions of a large number of individuals groups and organizations.
The report sets out the opportunity for implementing results-based financing RBF to support the clean cookstoves sector in Uganda. Speaking at the grant agreement signing workshop held at Hotel Africana the Minister for Health. We thank them all on behalf of the Study Team. Living Goods uses Results-Based Financing to demonstrate a scalable approach for contracting high-impact cost-effective community health services in Uganda.