Justify The Means Saying. For example Hes campaigning with illegal funds on the theory that if he wins the election the end will justify the means or The officer tricked her into admitting her guiltthe end sometimes justifies the means. Said about a situation in which the final aim is so important that any way of achieving it is acceptable.
But God always wants us to rely on him even when he directs us to use earthly tactics tools and techniques for success in the Christian life. The ends justifying the means usually involves doing something wrong to achieve a positive end and justifying the wrongdoing by pointing to a good outcome. Etymologically philosophy means love of wisdom.
For example Hes campaigning with illegal funds on the theory that if he wins the election the end will justify the means or The officer tricked her into admitting her guilt-the end sometimes justifies the means.
Before being a field of study it is above all a way of seeing the world of questioning it. For example Hes campaigning with illegal funds on the theory that if he wins the election the end will justify the means or The officer tricked her into admitting her guiltthe end sometimes justifies the means. Widely attributed to Machiavellis The Prince which does reflect this philosophy but does not use the phrase in this wording. End justifies the means the A good outcome excuses any wrongs committed to attain it.